Machine Specials |
Singer® Single Needle Lockstitch, Straight
and Zig-zag Sewing Machines
Model 20U |

Singer® High Speed Overedge and Safety-Stitch Machines
Models 1842U
Machine Specials |
6 AMF Clarbro 84-19 Auto Profile Stitching Flap Units
6 AMF 84 Class Sew N/Wrap Buttonsewer
6 AMF 84-4 EBS Electronic SewNWrap
4 AMF 59-83 Pick/Decorative Stitch Units
3 AMF 84-29 Union Special Fully Automatic 63900 AM Cylinder Jeans
Bottom Hemmer Units
1 Beisler LIKE NEW Auto Pocket Welt w/Stacker
3 Beisler Auto Pants Sergers w/2Heads/Unit
19 Bonis Fur Machines; Various Models
1 Brother BAS-311E21 Set up for Sew Extension Wasitband Mens
2 Brother BAS-611A (White) Pocket Welt w/Flap
50 Late Style Brother DB2-B737-403 and 413 UTTs
50 Brother DB2-B791-403 and 413, Needle Feed, UTTs
2 Conti (Like New) Complete 780NP Pickstitch Unit
10 Compo-Eagle #1005F and 1002 Pocket Welts
1 Compo-Eagle 1020 Pocket Welt - New Style
1 CRA Like New, Trigger Plus, 78 Auto. Sprdr.
5 Durkopp 173 Chainstitch with Pullers, UTT, Posit.
2 Durkopp 749 Auto Dart Machine
2 Durkopp 739 Auto Flap/Auto Jig
3 Durkopp 742-115 Auto Sewing of Darts in Jackets
5 Durkopp 745 Pocket Welts
5 Durkopp 541-15105 Programmable Sleeve Setters, UTT &
50 Durkopp 541-103P Sleeve Set, 697-153H, 697-6155, 697-24155 and
697-15155 Shoulder Pad Machs., some w/UTT
10,000 Ft. Federal Feedrail with Tolleys
2500 Ft. G.E. Bussway Feedrail with Trolleys
250 Garment Rolling Racks
1 Juki APW-116 Auto Pocket Welt w/Stacker
15 Juki Single Needle Chainstitch Model MH 481-4-3 & MH 486-4-3
Chainstitch Differential with Position and Trim
5 Juki MOL-500P & MOL-503L Automatic Loop Tacker Units (2) with
12 Juki DLN-415-5 WB One Needle, Needle Feeds, Fully Auto./UTT
25 Juki DLN-5410-6 and -7 Needle Feeds / UTT - Auto
30 Juki DLU-490-5 Top Feeds UTTs & MH481s
25 Juki LK-982 Tacker & LK-984 Buttonhole Bartack + LK-1852
50 Juki Model MO-812 Mock Safety + MO-816 True Safety
100 Juki DDL-555-4-3B & DDL-555-5-3B UTTs & DDL-5550-6WB
25 Juki MB-373 Btn. Sewers UTT/Electr. Wipers
5 Juki MB-373 / BR10 Button Sewer with Juki Robots
5 Juki MB-373 w/Mitchell Feeders + FAD System
20 Juki MOL-103 PCN (white) automatic belt loop units
10 Juki MOL-103PC and MOL-500P automatic belt loop units
5 Juki AMS-205C and AMS-215C programmable tackers
15 Juki MOG-2516 heavy duty safety stitch UTTs
20 Juki LK-1852 Jeans tandem finish band end + Up the Arm
Bar Tackers
35 Juki MO-2512 Mock Safety & MO-2516 True Safety
15 Juki MOR-2516FF6 Front Top Feed Safety Stitchers w/Trimmer
3 Kansai M-1103A Small Cylinder Top & Bottom Cover - UTT,
10 Kansai DWR-19004U-UTC 4 Needle Cylinders (UTT)
200+ Various Lewis Models: 30 Class, 160-20, and 16 classes
5 Mauser 2015-430/02 Saf. Stitch, UTT and Posit.
3 Measuregraph Measure & Inspection 72 Unit
25 Mitsubishi Programmable Tackers PLK-03BTA, PLK-1210,
PLK-1410, PLK-1710, PLK-2520
6 Pegasus W664 Cylinder Cover-Stitch UTTs
65 Pfaff 481 Needle Feeds Automatic UTT, DC Servo, Posit., Trim,
B/T & F/L
35 Pfaff 5483 (chain) & 483 (lock) Many with factory pullers
10 Pfaff 3306 Sew-N-Wrap Units
25 Pfaff 543U Jump Baster, some w/elec. & UTT
50 Pfaff 487G706/83-900/99 Top Feeds Large Bobbin/UTT
2 Pfaff 3306-901-008 Like New Shank Electronic Button Sewers
3 Pfaff 3801 Prog. Tape unit W/fullness
5 Pfaff 333U and 343U Cyln. Baster. UTT/SERVO
25 Pfaff 418, 438 and 437 Zig Zags, Top Feeds, UTT
12 Pfaff 3822 Programmable Edge Tape Units
40 Pfaff 563 Single Needle, Air UTT, Efka Posit., Back-Tack
3 Pfaff programmable facing unit with Pfaff 487 top feed head
50 Pfaff 483 Drop Feeds Automatic UTT, DC Servo, Posit, Trim, BIT
5 Pfaff 3117 Servo DC Electronic Buttonholes
35 Reece Model #47PW, 46PW, 42PW, 32PW and 31PW Pkt. Welts (Lockstitches
and Chainstitches)
100+ Reece S2-BH, S2-LS2N, S2-TKF+101s and 104 Adj. Fly Bar,
All Styles
15 Rimoldi 264-00-1MA-26 1 Needle Chainstitch (Like New)
10 Schwabe Model D & DS Clickers
100 Singer 457G & 457U Regular + 3 Step Zig Zags
24 Singer 591C200GD UTT Automatic Needle Feeds, Posit & Trim
6 Singer 591V 300BA Cylinder UTTs F/L
15 Singer 569U (White) DC Servo Bar Tacks + Up the Arm Bartacks
100 Singer 591 D300G Fully Auto W/ Undertrimmers
150+ Singer 269W Bartacks, All Styles
200+ Singer 12W221 & 12W224 Jump Basters
100 Singer 302W201 & 302U201 cylinder double needle banders
2 Singer 12W-Stretch Long Arm Jump Bag Basters
8 Soabar 16 Sew Soabar
3 Strobel KL-310D Fully Automatic (Digital) Two Thread Lining
Felling for Jackets and Coats
5 Strobel KL-170-11D Automatic (Digital) Blindstitch w/Position,
3 Strobel KL-317D Felling Machine w/Auto. (Digital) Position,
Foot Lift
25 Strobel KL-325-40 Sleeve Lining Felling Machs., Many w/EFKA SERVO
1 Strobel Lapel Padding Model ED for Jackets (1 set)
1 Sunco 72 Inspection & Measure Machine
200 Union Special 39500 Various Models and Styles
15 Union Special 35700 and 35800 Feed off the arm w/pedestals
10 Union Special 36200 Flat Lock Machines
5 Union Special 63900 AM w/Clinton UTTs
20 Union Special 53100 B Ro-Cap
100+ U. S. Blindstich Machines, all models 718, 1118, 99, 1200SF
15 W & G 515-ETB32-453 Top Feed Safety Stitch UTT
100 W & G 515-4-52 and 515E32-440 Safety Stitches
12 Yamato ZF1500-C5DA and AZF8500-C 5DA Top Feed Safety Stitch (UTT)
1 Yamato 3611L-D UTT cyl. top and bot. cov. stitch w/left knife
3 Yamato Like New NB2000 Fully automatic Sew and Wrap buttonsewers
50 Yamato DCZ-361 and Z361 Safety Stitch Machines
7 Yamato CM35Z-Blindstitchers w/Trimmer